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Consulting Assessments Lean
Lean Assessment

We provide assessments, the assessment process and facilitate the

assessment activities for all


  • Supply Chain Tiers (e.g. manufacturing, logistics, distributor, retail)

  • Functional Departments (e.g. distribution, inventory mgmt, sales)

  • Value Streams (e.g. distribution: inbound, outbound, cross-dock, storage).


These assessments are tailored to your organization's requirements and



 - For companies that are just starting, the assessment's breadth will be more narrow and its questions more universal.

 - Advanced organizations' progress to a wider breadth of processes with a greater depth of questions.


These assessments are done as a part of Strategy Deployment, Annual

Planning, Kaizen Planning, and Layered Check-Act activities.

Needs Assessment

In this phase we conduct a survey to evaluate the Client's current supply chain,

organizational direction, operational practices, and readiness for change. As part

of this survey we will answer a number of key questions that include:


  • Identification of key stakeholders holders and change agents.

  • Client's understanding of Lean supply chain.

  • Client's climate for change and capacity to implement Lean methods.

  • Client's expectations of scope and measures of a successful project.

  • Gathering of key data like value stream maps and key performance indicators.


Identification of key business characteristics needed for planning step. Proper

Analysis during this phase produces a road map for a tailored engagement that

increases the likelihood of success and enhances the benefits for our Client. The

result of this phase feed directly into the Strategic Plan Phase. 4-8 weeks.

Consulting Assessment Needs
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